#rd cyber au
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
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spiritsncrystals · 9 months ago
since my ass was bad at properly compiling this stuff and I'm interested in doing something with this au again sooo this post just serves as a reintroduction to the concept and with a list of the assigned Magic, there are a few characters i never really settled on their magic even now so if there are any exclusions that'll be why some also have a combination which I'd chalk up to it's an au I can mess around if I want. Anyways! THE CONCEPT/GENERAL OUTLINE: While i call it a fairy tail au it doesn't really follow the plot of fairy tail mostly just borrowing it's magic systems and world-building (not to bash on the plot it's more just a personal decision) hence the alternative name for this au just being the guild au instead of a school Duel Academia is a guild, instead of duellists they're magic wizards and so on and so forth the plot's similarities lean toward certain important gx events but play out a little differently. like you'd still have stuff like SOL and Haou but the way they happen changes. if anyone wants further clarification feel free to ask and i'll go in-depth in a separate post. with that ot of the way let's get to the magic assignments and with a small explanation to why if applicable
REQUIP MAGIC - JUDAI (and Haou too) - I Figured this was the best parallel for the Elemental HEROs what with the many combinations and whatnot considering there are SEVERAL different requip armours it felt right. I say Haou too for the obvious reasons as there's not really much reason to change it other than the sorts of armour used. DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC - MANJOUME (Lightning) RYO (METAL) FUBUKI (FIRE) - Manjoume might seem like a little bit of a weird decision but cmon he's Manjoume Thunder it'd be fun (also in the time between this new post and the old post we now have armoured thunder dragon lvl 10 so that's pretty cool incentive) Ryo seems the most self-explanatory what with the cybers. and foobs getting fire bc of red eyes ICE MAKER MAGIC - ASUKA - This takes more from her manga deck n all but there's also just the fun dynamic of Fubuki being fire and her being ice MEMORY MAKER MAGIC - MISAWA - you could argue about something else being more fitting but idk i kinda enjoy this for him SATAN SOUL - EDO - mostly because some of the Destiny HEROs have that demonic kind of appearance (Dogma, Bloo D, ect) and idk there's something fun to it as a ploy to E HEROs being the requips CELESTIAL GATE MAGIC - JOHAN - this just makes sense. 7 keys for each of the CB an extra special one for RD and you can even throw in Crystal Protector and Vanguard too for some fun dynamics
YUBEL: i had a lot of different ones down for yubel due to plot reasons for the original but mostly crash and black magic i'm still hoping for it to be an amalgamation of stuff but what hasn't been really landed on yet just like the kind of magic where they're powerful enough to decimate someone but yet still have some sort of believable innocence (since part of their plans in the au does involve them infiltrating the guild at some point) PEOPLE I HAVE IDEAS FOR BUT NOTHING SOLID YET: SAIOU - I would imagine it to be something similar to Kana's cards but with Tarot cards instead not exactly sure of the ins and outs yet KENZAN - something of a mix between beast soul and animal soul take overs?? just with a more reptilian focus bc gotta keep the Dino DNA in tact O'BRIEN - gun requip might be an option but just a hard maybe atm I'll write more on bits later down in separate posts but that's basically it for now again feel free to ask for more if there is anything od interest
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levigilantfr · 5 years ago
CaixaBank participe au projet de R&D de l'UE sur la cyber-certification
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thenewsrabbit-blog · 7 years ago
Guidewire va acquérir Cyence
Check out the latest post http://thenewsrabbit.com/guidewire-va-acquerir-cyence/
FOSTER CITY, Californie et SAN MATEO, Californie–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE : GWRE), un fournisseur de produits logiciels destinés aux assureurs des Biens et Risques divers (B/RD), et Cyence, Inc., ont annoncé aujourd’hui que les deux sociétés avaient conclu un accord définitif portant sur l’acquisition de Cyence par Guidewire. Cyence est une société de logiciels qui applique la science des données et l’analyse des risques, afin de permettre aux assureurs B/RD de se développer en souscrivant les « risques du 21e siècle », qui sont restés jusque-là sous-assurés, voire non assurés.
Ces risques émergents, notamment les cyber menaces, les atteintes à la réputation et les nouvelles formes de risque d’interruption des activités, posent aux assureurs des défis uniques. En évolution rapide, ces risques n’offrent généralement pas d’antécédents de réclamations assez détaillés pour renseigner les souscripteurs sur leurs implications en matière de couverture et de tarification. Leur complexité et l’absence de profils manifestes en termes de corrélation et d’accumulation de risques, exigent, pour une modélisation efficace, des ensembles de données à la fois plus diversifiés et plus dynamiques. Pour relever ce défi, Cyence propose une solution d’analyse des données et d’évaluation des risques qui combine, à l’échelle de l’Internet, la collecte et le nettoyage des données externes, avec un apprentissage machine et une modélisation des risques, sophistiqués, capables de prendre en charge, au niveau entreprise, les activités de souscription, de contrôle actuariel, et de gestion des produits et des risques.
« Cyence est une société de technologie exceptionnelle qui, comme Guidewire, se concentre sur la prise en charge des besoins stratégiques du secteur B/RD », a déclaré Marcus Ryu, cofondateur et PDG de Guidewire Software. « Alors que Guidewire se concentre sur les opérations essentielles, la gestion des données et le traitement numérique, Cyence applique son expertise en science des données et en apprentissage machine, aux exigences de modélisation qu’impliquent la conception, la tarification et la souscription des produits d’assurance, face aux risques du 21e siècle. Alors que les approches actuarielles traditionnelles peinent à prendre en compte les caractéristiques uniques des risques émergents tels que les cyber menaces, l’approche avant-gardiste adoptée par Cyence va permettre aux assureurs d’élargir la portée et la valeur des produits dont ont besoin leurs titulaires de police. »
« Cyence a commencé à appliquer notre moteur de science de données aux risques cyber, pour répondre à la demande importante du secteur de l’assurance face à ce qui constitue une menace existentielle pour leurs assurés. Nous sommes impatients de nous associer à Guidewire et de continuer notre mission afin de permettre aux assureurs d’entrer sur de nouveaux marchés en assurant des risques émergents tels que les cyber menaces », a ajouté Arvind Parthasarathi, cofondateur et PDG de Cyence. « Nous sommes ravis de cette opportunité de dynamiser notre approche en intégrant des données opérationnelles, ravis de prendre en charge, grâce aux systèmes essentiels de Guidewire, le cycle de vie des polices d’assurance, et ravis de nous allier avec un leader technologique au service du secteur des assurances B/RD. »
La contrepartie totale de l’acquisition est d’environ 275 millions USD, soit 265 millions USD, déduction faite de 10 millions USD en espèces, sous réserve des ajustements habituels des transactions. La contrepartie prévue à la clôture comprendra une trésorerie nette d’environ 140 millions USD et d’environ 1,6 million d’actions ordinaires Guidewire nouvellement émises. Environ 260 000 d’entre elles sont sous la forme d’une contrepartie en capital, différée, et sont assujetties à la réalisation de certaines étapes de conservation et d’exploitation.
La clôture de la transaction est prévue pour le début du deuxième trimestre fiscal de Guidewire.
Informations concernant la téléconférence
La direction organisera une téléconférence et une diffusion Web aujourd’hui pour discuter de cette transaction.
Date :     Vendredi 6 octobre 2017   Heure : 8 h 30, heure de l’Est   Numéro de tél : (888) 298-3457, appel local (719) 457-2628, appel international   Enregistrement en différé : (844) 512-2921, code d’accès national 6379411 (412) 317-6671, code d’accès international 6379411   Diffusion Web et diapositives supplémentaires :
http://ir.guidewire.com (en direct et rediffusion)
  À propos de Cyence
Cyence permet au secteur de l’assurance de comprendre l’impact de l’émergence des risques du 21e siècle, tels que les cyber menaces l’interruption des activités, etc. La science des données, unique de Cyence combine la collecte des données, à grande échelle, l’apprentissage machine et la modélisation comptable et des risques, pour créer une plateforme de modélisation des risques d’assurance. La plateforme et les analyses de Cyence sont exploitées par les dirigeants du secteur de l’assurance pour comprendre et gérer les risques, ainsi que pour déployer de nouveaux produits d’assurance novateurs. Pour en savoir plus sur Cyence, consultez le site www.cyence.net.
À propos de Guidewire Software
Guidewire propose les logiciels dont les assureurs de biens/risques divers (B/RD) ont besoin pour s’adapter et réussir dans une période de changement rapide pour l’industrie. Nous réunissons trois éléments, opérations essentielles, données et analyses, et engagement numérique, sur une plateforme technologique qui améliore la capacité des assureurs à mobiliser et habiliter leurs clients et leurs employés. Plus de 300 assureurs B/RD du monde entier se sont tournés vers Guidewire. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter www.guidewire.com. Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @Guidewire_PandC.
Mise en garde au sujet des énoncés prospectifs
Ce communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs concernant les attentes, les plans et les perspectives, y compris les attentes relatives à notre capacité à conclure cette transaction, au calendrier de cette clôture, et aux avantages découlant de cette transaction. Ces énoncés prospectifs se fondent sur les attentes et les convictions actuelles de la direction de Guidewire, à la date de publication, et sont assujettis à certains risques et incertitudes qui pourraient entraîner une différence importante entre les résultats réels et ceux décrits dans les énoncés prospectifs, y compris, sans toutefois s’y limiter, le risque de conditions macroéconomiques défavorables et imprévisibles, de même que les risques liés à la clôture de cette transaction et à la fusion de ces sociétés. Tous les énoncés prospectifs figurant dans ce communiqué de presse sont fondés sur les informations dont dispose la Société à la date des présentes, et Guidewire décline toute obligation d’actualiser tout énoncé prospectif.
REMARQUE : Guidewire, Guidewire Software, Guidewire ClaimCenter, Guidewire PolicyCenter et Guidewire BillingCenter sont des marques déposées de Guidewire Software, Inc. aux États-Unis ou dans d’autres pays.
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granat-sof · 5 months ago
Minerscales Cyber AU masterpost!!!!
TW// thoghts about death
Have a nice read!!!
Also thanks to @laserbrain3 on discord for a bunch of ideas
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Lucky is a promising athlete at the top of his career. Like many others he possesses dozens of body augmentations, such as adjustments to his stamina, a special eye with crazy accuracy, head plates to protect his head from concussion. And the most notable thing - his arm. Not many athletes agree to form partnership with big companies that provide augmentations, but Lucky agreed and got a robotic arm, describes as one of the best options on the market. And Lucky is not willing to stop there. He's planning to upgrade more and more of himself, feeling like his humanity is completely unnecessary, it's weak and doesn't help him realize his true potential.
But his intense workouts and crazy work performance lead to perfectly capable arm being destroyed beyond repair, leading him to the Middlesea Hospital, a special facility that combines both healthcare and augmentation repair.
Lucky's failure led to all of his contracts being canceled, he was even refused in being provided with another arm, since his stunt almost made a really bad reputation for the company. Instead Lucky is painted in a bad light, as an irresponsible and arrogant prick that doesn't utilize delicate tech properly. Which is true to some degree, at least the last part. Lucky clearly believed that an augmented arm has no limits, but it was a mistake from his part.
And Lucky meets another patient at the hospital. Miner.
Miner is. Just a miner. He's from a distant desert region, filled with nomads. He belongs to one of the few groups, that uses human force to mine, mostly because of low budget. For that very same reason Miner possess really bad almost handmade heart implant. His heart was failing him and he had to come up with something quick. With all of his money and help of his siblings he managed to obtain an augmentation from a local master. But shortly after, it started failing him too and he came to the Middlesea Hospital by Hailey's advice to get his implant hopefully fixed.
Lucky and Miner start exercising together after Lucky complains that his regular arm may never be as good as a robotic arm. And Lucky shares his overall problem. Eventually even gets officially kicked out of the team. Lucky loses the whole point of his life and has to rebuild it from scratch. And Miner is there for him! And they bond! Lucky really shows all of his worry about his self worth, his inability to achieve anything without his enhancements. And he starts training the hospital team too. 
Edega suggests Lucky a great offer with a new experimental prosthetic arm, the one that won't break even with all of the pressure that an ambitious athlete is willing to put on it. But Lucky feels conflicted... He can afford it, but he's not entirely sure if that's how he wants to move on with his life.
As for Miner, he cannot afford a better heart implant and is just sure that he may not live for long and wants to enjoy his life, and help as many people as he can. Except that he may be eager to help Lucky way more than others, for some reason. He's not too willing to talk about his own situation though.
Miner just. Doesn't really want anyone to see his heart acting out. He's legitimately afraid someone is gonna see him drop dead. The least thing he wants is someone witnessing it and freaking out. Especially kids. And especially Lucky. He doesn't really feel fine even with dying in the doctor's arms. He's scared of getting really close with Lucky, because then it would just make it harder for both of them. He's 100% sure there is no future for him specifically. There's no place for him in Lucky's future. At first he tries to just isolate himself from anyone because he legitimately thinks he may die at any second. But when Lucky sees him looking like he's in pain and grabbing his shirt he's not calm until that man is at the doctor's office feeling better. And after this, Miner really really doesn't want anyone to know about how delicate his situation is and wants to hide it from Lucky. Doesn't want to mention the part where he can die. But a slip up from Ian makes it clearer and Lucky gets into a full protection mode. Just forcing this man to speak. And being absolutely crushed knowing his dear friend or even more than that is legitimately prepared to die. He never saw anyone feel that desperate. He... Doesn't want to just leave it at that. He found a way better forcing drive than success - human bonds and this bond with Miner specifically.
He makes a decision. He tells Miner that he has a future, and Lucky's own future definitely includes him. And gives a huge amount of money, he could've spent on a crazy new arm, to Miner's new heart implant, leaving the man in complete shock. And eternal gratitude. He's so grateful he kisses Lucky on the cheek (and they both prefer not to talk about it).
Lucky is preparing to have his new arm, meant for average use. And Miner is preparing for his operation. He is incredibly scared and freaked out by it. Human augmentations actually seem really scary to him when it’s him getting them. But Lucky wants to pay back the eternal kindness Miner had towards him and just genuinely wants him to feel better, so he's there with him the entire time. Up until the moment of his operation.
They end up having their procedures at the same time. Lucky is done pretty quickly and left to sit there and feel worried for his friend.
He is the first person to visit him once Miner is allowed to have visitors.
Their romance escalates from there since what they've been through together brought them really close. Lucky still gets to feel slightly conflicted and hesitant, but Miner starts it himself with giving Lucky a proper kiss as a thank you for his care and generosity.
Miner has to recover and do some tests. And Lucky is there, helping him like a coach and making him healthy and well again. His new implant seems a bit too small, but it doesn't cause any irregularities, so he's free to leave the hospital with Lucky!
And they do end up having a future together, trying to build their lives from scratch and not make it go as bad as it did previously.
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
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Protective Lucky...
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
Cyber AU! Minerscales edition
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Lucky is a popular athlete, a lot of augmentation companies would love to provide him with their high-class body parts made to serve until the end of time. It's a good advertisement. He has an arm, headplates, adjustments for his vision and stamina. And he's not planning to stop there.
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But his intense training and work performance lead to even the most high quality augmentation arm to break beyond repair. And he ends up at middlesea. Hospital and an impant repair servise.
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And Miner is. Just a miner. Unable to afford high class heart implant and having to pick whatever is available when his biological heart is failing him. And this one fails him too with prognoses not being so bright.
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And he's just. Trying to enjoy his life while he still can since there's a risk of his heart stopping at any moment. He wants to just be there while he still can.
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I dunno how to fit this into current narrative but they love each other (very gay) and Johnny can still pick him up bridal style even with all of the extra metal (he struggles just a bit tho)
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
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Back to cyber AU...........
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
Miner finally gives a proper thank you
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
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Miner is terrified of his heart implant operation. But Lucky is there for him to help him calm down...
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
Cybergays again!!
Just a thank you for providing him with a new heart
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granat-sof · 5 months ago
Minerscales Cyber AU!! reference for their visible augmentations! No global tags cus they are shirtless to see it well and I feel shy ><
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Masterpost comes
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
Cyber AU! They both got their new augmentations successfully!!!
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
He likes Lucky's new arm!!!
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granat-sof · 5 months ago
Abt the cyber AU, what enhancements do Lucky and Miner have? (Also do you have any ideas for the Jonronero-Smith bros in this AU? 👀)
With his arm, that does all the arm things, Lucky has enhancements to his sight and stamina left from baseball days! They do wear out over time though, since he doesn't have as strong of a need in them.
Miner just has his heart, which is better than a regular human heart for the most part! He doesn't anything else throut his life.
As for the boys! They are too little to get any cybernetic parts and none of them really need to. Only when they are adults they may get something for their lines of work.
Leo basically grows up with such unusual parents and it's alright to him, but Micky is a bit weirded out. Especialy by Lucky. It takes him a long time to even get used to being around him. He's more chill with Miner since his augmentation is essential for his life!
And since Leo is becoming a doctor in the future, in this au he's also specialises in augmentations!! He may even help his dads taking care of their robotic parts.
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granat-sof · 6 months ago
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